Thursday, April 29, 2010


Get ready!!! Tomorrow-Friday April 30th is our 60% ONE DAY ONLY SALE for 2011 SENIORS!!!!

Must call between 9am-5pm to jump on this one! Indoor/Outdoor session on sale for one day only---people have already been calling, but friday is the only day. Lines will be busy - keeping calling or get in your car and come to the studio!....319.627.2361

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mom and Me this week

We are holding our "Mom and Me" event this week. Until Friday call and get special prices on session and portraits. No age limit - bring your child or mom. Time slots are filling quickly -only til Friday.

Did you get your Senior One Day Only Sale card? April 30th call to get 60% off our most popular senior session...9 to 5pm. 319-627-2361

Friday, April 23, 2010

Day before Proms!!

The day before we photograph two proms!! One theme is a "Parizian Rendevous" and we built an authentic sidewalk Paris cafe set.... Second theme is a "Pirate" theme....lots of chests filled with treasure!! Both promise to be fun!! Will post a couple pics next you can see them.

Niki with the blue eyes... 3 portraits of Niki. I see as many eyes as an eye doctor does and I would rate her eyes way high!! Ice blue with that beautiful dark accent ring..... Seniors are calling a booking sessions already...remember our April 30th ONE DAY SALE COMING-- LOOK FOR A POST CARD IN THE MAIL...IF NO CARD COMES...CALL ANYWAY...IT'S THE BEST DEAL EVER!!

Monday, April 19, 2010


Working of new looks, sets and styles.....lots of new stufffffff...... give this video a glance...



Take 60% off your SENIOR COMBO(indoor/outdoor) SESSION FOR ONE DAY ONLY!!! Call between 9am and 5pm on APRIL 30TH (Friday) and get 60% off!!!

Indoor/outdoor sets, unlimited outfits, two hour session....DON'T MISS THIS ONE!!

Tell your friends,,,, they'll love you for it!!! Watch for a postcard with this week..... Mark April 30th on your calenders...

Friday, April 16, 2010


As long as you are can be one of the first to start thinking about this HUGE OFFER TO 2011 SENIORS... The final details are being ironed out right now and will be posted in the next day or so...but I was toooooo excited not to stick it out here right now!! Start thinking about great session prices --like a really great discount on our most popular session... stay tuned..maybe tomorrow..I hope so...I can't keep this to myself... tell you friends to watch...they'll love you for this one!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Senior Seminar at Country Oaks

What a fun day...members of Northeast Iowa Professional Photographers group gathered at our studio for a day of learning. David and Mary Lee from Peoria, IL, spoke and demonstrated the latest in Senior photography...David is Senior Photographers International's top photographer in the entire USA!! Professional photographers from all over eastern Iowa came to West Liberty and left with loads of new information.

One of David's themes was that professional photographers have to once again do what they alone can do so well....great controlled studio lighting and posing coupled with unique settings. What separates the real professional from someone who has just bought a new camera is the quality of his vision and extreme care in detail and creativity. One of his quotes was- "Excellent portraits come 10% from between the hands and 90% from between the ears" - it's not the camera--It's the artist with the camera. Dave and I have been friends and print competitors for many years and have learned much from each other.... Dave and Mary, thanks for a great day!